Feb 10, 2009

I am finding things I wrote a while ago, all fiction. I am posting bits and pieces of it.


She walks away from the computer. Must study, she thinks. No -- she knows she must study! If she doesn't study, she won't make a decent grade on this test. She might, in fact, make a C. Disgusting. Absolutely unacceptable. Not many people know this, but last time she made a C, she climbed to the roof and stared all the passer-by's below her. She thought of rolling off. Just rolling. But she didn't. Not that time...

She flops down on her bed, her hands behind her bed, and she just thinks. She can't stop thinking about her.

"Love is patient," comes a voice. How ironic.

"I didn't say I wouldn't get over it," another voice replies. The wall between her suite and the adjoining one is very un-soundproof. It's funny because they can't hear a single thing she says, but she can clearly hear everything they say. They continue and eventually move to talking about other things.

And still, though she ought be patient, she is not. And now, she can't stop thinking about him.

She sits back at the computer.

Now what...

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